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< tilbage 18-01-2013 - 07:58

Slut på ponyårene !

The end of the pony years has arrived for my youngest daughter Signe Gøtske. She has  become 16 years old and  2012 was her last year as competitor in ponyclasses for ponyriders. It is painful as it was for Anna Gøtske my oldest daughter years ago. Thank you so much for some very exciting years with a lot of joy, hard work, lot of smiles, tears and a lot of daily training and driving with the horse trailer.

 A special thank you to the three magnificent  Connemara Ponies: Enghøjs Red Scarlet, Skærgårdens First Night and Bechs Niall. Our Elite broodmare Enghøjs Red Scarlet who is such a brave showjumper with a heart of gold which she really showed us at the finals in Baltic Cup Wilhelmsborg where she did the Grand Prix show jumping and won  MA1 showjumping at the same place . Our Stallion Skærgårdens First Night who showed us that a pony can be talented in both dressage and showjumping  winning both PRI S dressage and MB Showjumping several times. Bechs Niall our lovely gelding now sold to Ida who helped Signe learning the difficult dressage exercises. Thank you ever so much ponies for your loyalty, love and affection to us. Thank you Signe and Anna for your love and faith in our ponies.
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